Index Parent

Colorfield class

Colorfield class creates a rectangle filled with a specific color, useful e.g. within a palette requester. You can change the color of the field at any time by setting its RGB attributes.


Name Type Class Note
Blue M ISGN G2N A 4 bytes max long packet chars string ('bbbbbbbb'x) blue component. Values range from 0 (no blue) to $ffffffff (full blue).
Green M ISGN G2N A 4 bytes max long packet chars string ('bbbbbbbb'x) green component. Values range from 0 (no green) to $ffffffff (full green).
Pen N ISGN When specified, the colorfield uses exactly this pen instead of trying to obtain a new one.
Red M ISGN G2N A 4 bytes max long packet chars string ('bbbbbbbb'x) red component. Values range from 0 (no red) to $ffffffff (full red).


Name Parameters Note
None defined