How to flash amod into the 2200V4

The problem with amod and 2200V4 is that amod is too big.

The flash mechanism in the 2200V4 is made for a 14 MB firmware image, while amod is about 23-24 MB.

The firmware must be completely load in the router before the flashing procedure starts and so much mem might not be available.

So, after you press "Upload", you may find yourself in 3 different situations:

When amod is installed, to flash a new firmware, just go to Various / amod and use the "Kill" button in the Utilities section.

But, without amod, how can we free some mem to let the flash goes well?

Download the telnetenable2 utility, connect via telnet to the router and write ps search for pppd, smbd, nmbd, automounter and wlanconfigd kill them by their PIDs.

If you don't know what I am talking about: